Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Celebrate Asia!

こんしゅうの 日よう日に Celebrate Asiaがあります!

イベント:Celebrate Asia
Location:LaFortune Ball Room
As stated in our syllabus, attendance for this event is mandatory
Please mark your calendar. 

日本と、中国(ちゅうごく)と、かんこくの ぶんか(culture)のブース(booths)が ありますよ。そして、たべものもあります!
日本のブースでは、「たなばた」「かみこうさく(paper craft)」「おりがみ」「はなふだ」をします。

Please bring your friend(s) who:
- are NOT juniors and seniors
- are NOT currently taking Japanese classes
- might be interested in taking Japanese class in fall 2013

We would like to promote our Japanese program!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

りゅうがくプログラム application deadline 11/15

Deadline for Study Abroad programs is approaching. 
It is 11/15(もくようび)

Nanzan University (Nagoya, Japan)
Fall2013, Spring2014 & 2013-2014 (academic year)
Program overview:

Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan) 
Spring 2014 & 2013-2014 (academic year)
Program overview:

ALL fall, spring, and year-long program applications for 2013–2014 are due no later than November 15.
If you are interested in study abroad programs, please make sure to submit your applications before the deadline.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


こんしゅうの もくようび(10/25)に デバートロ131で ムービーナイトが あります。8じからです。
えいがの なまえは 「リング」です。
Attendance for this event will be counted towards your participation grade. Your attendance is strongly encouraged!

『リング』 (Ringu)
Oct 25th (Thu) 8 pm~@ DBRT131
Hosted by 
JAPAN CLUB Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
A mysterious video kills whoever views it, unless that viewer can solve its mystery. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0178868/)

そして、Before the movie.....

Time: 10/23  6:45pm - 7:45pm
Location: サウスダイニングホール
(at or by the Jesus Table in the righthand side room of the dining hall)

After dinner, we can all head to Movie Night together, but this is not mandatory, so you can come and leave anytime. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

ブログプロジェクトのひょうかきじゅん (evaluation criteria)

あきやすみはどうでしたか? たのしい(fun)ことを しましたか?

10/4に ブログのじゅぎょうをして、ひょうかきじゅん (evaluation criteria)についてはなしました (to discuss)。これが summaryです。We will conduct peer-/self-evaluation on this project at the end of the semester based on this criteria. プロジェクトのもくてき (objective)も よんでください。

1: Language
Use as much Japanese as possible
Use new vocabulary
Use and define kanji (because not only do you look smarter, you ARE smarter! :D)
Use Katakana as much as possible for English words (Katakana is FUN because it's fun to decode what the words mean!! )
Including new vocabulary with English meaning
Make more interesting/longer sentences
More detailed

2: Content
Engaging, Interesting, Meaningful, Creative, Entertaining, Educational
Photos (Your own preferably)
Put questions in your post so people have more to comment about
Relating to what we learn every week
Content people care about; people may have in common with you
Personal experiences
Enthusiasm in topic
Links to interesting websites for additional reading
Use emoticons if you have no idea how else to convey your feelings on a subject. :D :( :/ ;)

3: Communication
Interaction with commenters
Always respond to comments in timely manner
Frequently comment on other’s blogs; Lots of comments
Show genuine interest in comments

4: Layout
Nice fonts, color
Personalize your layout
Clean, clear, and easy to read layout
Not obnoxious to navigate (because then nobody will ever go to your blog) 

5: Frequency

Posting regularly as opposed to rarely
Post when not required to; have a post that is not a specific homework assignment

6: Other
Catchy titles
Talk about Japanese Club events or anything else


まいしゅう CSLCで かいわテーブルがあります。

に あります!

とても たのしいですよ。みなさん、きてください!
たくさん 日本語をはなしましょう!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

あきやすみのブログしゅくだい:due 10/22 (げつようび)

もうすぐ1週間(しゅうかん)の秋休み(あきやすみ=fall break)ですね!何(なに)をしますか? たくさんねますか? それとも、日本語(にほんご)をべんきょうしますか?


1. Post at least once during your break about your fall break activities using following grammar:
  • Verbs (present/past)
  • Adjectives
  • あります/います
2. Check the comments made on your blog, and respond if you feel necessary.

3. Comment on the blogs of students from other sections/ほかの大学 (other universities).

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

きのうの にほんごディナーテーブル

きのう、サウスダイニングホールで にほんごディナーテーブルが ありました。
にほんごいちねんせいが 5にん きました。
たくさん おいしい ばんごはんを たべました。そして、はなしました。
みなさん、たくさん にほんごを はなしましたよ!


Sunday, October 7, 2012


We would like to welcome you to our first "にほんごディナーテーブル (Japanese Dinner Table)"!

time: 10/9(かようび)7じ
Location: サウスダイニングホール

This is a casual meet up where all にほんごいちねんせい are invited to chat both in にほんご and えいご over dinner.
This event is not mandatory, but it is a great opportunity for you to meet にほんごいちねんせい from different sections, get to know each other, and speak Japanese!

When you enter the South Dining Hall, please go to the right-hand side room. はなぶさせんせい and/or I will be at (or close to) the "Jesus Table" at 7pm.
Just bring your food, sit with us and chat!
You're free to come and go anytime.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Thursday, October 4, 2012



1. Discuss 'what makes a good blog' in groups. At the end of the semester we will have not only teachers but also you and your classmates evaluate each other’s blogs. We will use the results of your discussions today as a basis for deciding the criteria that we will use to evaluate the blogs at the end of the semester.
  • Discuss what makes a good blog in groups (Language, Content, Comments, Layout, Frequency, etc.)

  • Post the result of your discussion in the comment column of the blog. Make sure to include your names/nicknames/initials with the posting so we know that you have commented.
2. Please read the comments made by others on your blog. Please  respond if necessary.

3. Read and comment on the blogs of students from プリンストンだいがく/コロンビアだいがく (at least three blogs). Write at least one sentence in Japanese.

Monday, October 1, 2012

にほんの りゅうがく プレゼンテーション

マット・ドンリーさん, who is in the 3rd year Japanese class, will give a presentation on his study abroad experience at Sophia University in Tokyo and Middlebury Japanese Summer Program. Please join and learn from him if you are interested in study abroad programs. 

プレゼンテーションは 10/2(かようび)と10/3(すいようび)の8じ です。
CSLC(329 DBRT) あります

The topic of my presentation will be about the Japanese language study. It will focus on the benefits of the language and how it can unlock opportunities for students. First, I will go through the benefits. Then I will begin to explain how Middlebury was a great experience in creating a great foundation for learning the language and preparing me for Japan. From that point, I will begin to talk about my experience abroad and the skills I gained from it. Finally, I will conclude with a bit about the Gilman Scholarship. Then there will be a Q&A session.